Preksha Meditation Trainer Level-1

  1. Age above 20 years.
  2. Should have attended at least one eight day Preksha Meditation Camp.
  3. Should have completed 15 days Preksha Trainer Level-1 training.
  1. Theory: Elementary knowledge of Preksha Meditation (Meaning of Preksha in context of Preksha Meditation, various exercises of Preksha Meditation, objective, underlying philosophy, scientific basis, process, outcome and benefits).
  2. Practical: Ability to impart training of complete relaxation(kayotsarg), Preksha Meditation in four steps(Relaxation, Internal trip, Perception of breathing, perception of centre of enlightenment)
    Yogik Kriyaen: Exercise for forehead, eyes, ears, neck, shoulders and arms.
    Asan: Tadasan, Trikonasan, Padhastasan, Uttanpadasan, Sarvangasan, Matsyasan, Pavanmuktasan, Bhujangasan, Shashankasan, Ardhamatsyeandrasan.
    Pranayam: Anulom-Vilom, Kapalbhati, Ujjai
Eligibility for passing examination:
  1. Theory: 60% & above marks.
  2. Practical: 80% and above marks.
Responsibility after passing examination:
  1. Minimum three hours practice of Preksha Meditation every week.
  2. Minimum 50 hours coaching Preksha Meditation every year to others.

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Copyright Preksha International
Founder Institution: Indian Yoga Association